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Major/Minor | Department of Linguistics
Major/Minor The Linguistics Department offers two different majors and one minor: Linguistics Major, Linguistics Minor, and Computational Linguistics Major. The Linguistics Major may be modified with ...
Courses | Department of Linguistics
LING 50.04: History of Romance Languages - Pulju, 2, QDS, W, fulfills LRP COSC 72 / LING 48 (1 section): Accelerated Computational Linguistics – Preum, timeslot TBD, TAS Winter 2024 Linguistics FSP Au...
About Linguistics | Department of Linguistics
What Is Linguistics? Linguistics is the study of language — not so much a specific language, but of the system of language and the way in which humans communicate. Topics integral to linguistics inclu...
People | Department of Linguistics
A diverse and inclusive intellectual community is critical to an exceptional education, scholarly innovation, and human creativity. The Faculty of Arts and Sciences is committed to actions and investm...
Undergraduate | Department of Linguistics
Undergraduate The Linguistics Department offers an undergraduate Linguistics Major, a Computational Linguistics Major, and a Linguistics Minor. Students may also modify another major with linguistics,...
Computational Linguistics Major | Department of Linguistics
One Elective Course: One elective course can be drawn from Linguistics, Computer Science, Quantitative Social Science, or a related field. This course is selected in consultation with the major advi...