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Tai Chi DVDs - Tien Shan Pai videos - Lin Kung Fu
Grandmaster Willy Lin teaches the T'ien Shan P'ai method of Kung Fu through his martial arts videos and DVDs.
About Grandmaster Willy Lin - Tien Shan Pai - Lin Kung Fu
Warning: Use of undefined constant QUERY_STRING - assumed 'QUERY_STRING' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home4/linkungf/public_html/willylin.php on line 52 Warning: Use o...
Shao-Lin Kick & Form Combinations DVD - Chin-Na DVD - 24 Beat Primary Fist DVD - Tien Shan Pai
THE BASICS 24 Beat is the form which traditionally introduces the T'ien Shan P'ai system of Kung Fu. Grandmaster Lin's teacher, Wang, Jyue Jen always taught this form first, because h...
Grandmaster Willy Lin - Tien Shan Pai Articles and - Lin Kung Fu
Warning: Use of undefined constant QUERY_STRING - assumed 'QUERY_STRING' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home4/linkungf/public_html/tips.php on line 54 Warning: Use of un...
T'ien Shan P'ai Links - Tien Shan Pai Schools - Lin Kung Fu
Warning: Use of undefined constant QUERY_STRING - assumed 'QUERY_STRING' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home4/linkungf/public_html/tsplinks.php on line 53 Warning: Use o...
Shao-Lin Kick & Form Combinations DVD - Chin-Na DVD - 24 Beat Primary Fist DVD - Tien Shan Pai
Warning: Use of undefined constant QUERY_STRING - assumed 'QUERY_STRING' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home4/linkungf/public_html/products.php on line 64 Warning: Use o...