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Team – Lion Shipbrokers Limited
Panos Pantos – Sale and Purchase Panos started his shipping carreer in 2000 as a trainee superintendent engineer, working in Shipping Companies in Oslo, Norway (Torvald Klaveness) and London, U.K (Lom...
Ships’ Sale & Purchase – Lion Shipbrokers Limited
Ships’ Sale & Purchase The sale and purchase broker is an intermediary in the true sense of the word. The preparation and signing / entering into contracts regarding new buildings and used tonnage req...
News – Lion Shipbrokers Limited
News Lion Shipbrokers are frequently quoted in international and local shipping media such as Tradewinds and Naftemporiki, amongst others News
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Friday, 22nd of September 2023 Company LION Shipbrokers office is strategically located in Efplias Street, parallel to Akti Miaouli in Piraeus, in the heart of Greek Shipping, where the...
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Team Panos Pantos – Sale and Purchase Panos started his shipping carreer in 2000 as a trainee superintendent engineer, working in Shipping Companies in Oslo, Norway (Torvald Klaveness) and London, ...
New-building Contracting – Lion Shipbrokers Limited
New-building Contracting We assist the ship-owner to the drafting and execution of the New Building Contract and provide him with new building slots opportunities, Shipyard background and track record...