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Literacy & Technology Integration at The Literacy Web
projects were created by educators who spent one week developing a classroom activity to propel students into the world-wide learning network. Several of these projects focus o...
Websites to Use with Students in Grades 5-12 Active Essay from Actden is an interactive essay-building tool that presents six questions that focus on various writing skills. ...
The Literacy Web at The University of Connecticut Homepage
Classroom literacy resources Select your grade level
Author's and Literature for Preschoolers from The Literacy Web
is a childrens book site for parents, teachers and writers. Young Bookworm University from Diane Corley features age-appropriate descriptions of many popular children's autho...
Literacy Journals
Literacy Journals Many publishers have begun to transform their publications into online versions to increase the timeliness of content and to enhance their issues with electronic ...
The Literacy Web: ESL/EFL Resources
is a resource for teachers of young learners of English. It is chock full of songs, arts and crafts, fingerplays, recipes, games, tongue twisters, phonemic awareness activities...