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Biography of Liu Hui | Liu Hui and his mathematic career
Liu Hui (fl. 3rd century) was one of the most renowned mathematicians in ancient China (primarily account his fame to his method for approximating pi). (One version of portrait of Liu Hui) He solved a...
Volume of Bicylinder | Liu Hui and his mathematic career
Posts about Volume of Bicylinder written by cadav92
Liu Hui | Liu Hui and his mathematic career
Posts about Liu Hui written by cadav92
About | Liu Hui and his mathematic career
This is an example of a page. Unlike posts, which are displayed on your blog’s front page in the order they’re published, pages are better suited for more timeless content that you want to be easily a...
Volume of Sphere | Liu Hui and his mathematic career
Posts about Volume of Sphere written by cadav92
Some Sample Questions from Sea Island Mathematical Manual and Nine Chapters | Liu Hui and his
As we now have known that two of the most famous books written by Liu Hui are 'Sea Island Mathematical Manual' (which is a book about measurement and surveying) and his compilation of 'Nine Chapters o...