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About TLD | The Loading Dock, Inc.
Adobe Acrobat Reader required (download). What is The Loading Dock? Opened in October 1984, The Loading Dock, Inc., (TLD) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with a mission to improve living condition...
Quick Facts | The Loading Dock, Inc.
Adobe Acrobat Reader require (download). The Loading Dock, Inc. (TLD) is the nation's first successful, self-sufficient, nonprofit building materials reuse center, packed with new and used items and a...
Home 2 North Kresson Street ReDO's Mission: To promote reuse as an environmentally sound, socially beneficial and economical means f...
TLD - Table of Contents
Table of Contents: Why Establish a Program? Controlling Growth Milestones What are the Other Benefits of TLD What is the Overall Organization of TLD? How is TLD staffed?
What's New at TLD? | The Loading Dock
Happenings! November 2019 Generous funding provided us the opportunity to showcase a permanent Creative Reuse exhibit in our warehouse. This is a collection of pieces created using repurposed mate...
Material Donations | The Loading Dock, Inc.
Material Description * Please be as specific as possible to help us process your request (size, quantity, color, material, square footage, etc.) Photos Note: Only click submit one time. If you hav...