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City’s fault logging - LogNow SmartCity
All you need to know about the city’s fault logging Queries from the customers can be logged in one of the following ways: ALL CENTRES Revenue (Billing) Call Centre – deals with all billing related ma...
LogIn - LogNow SmartCity
If you don’t have an account yet, please Register Here. You are logged in – click here to continue Log In Using The Form Below You are Logged in as lognowadmin (Logout)
Opening an account - LogNow SmartCity
Opening an account. Property not yet transferred If the property you have bought is not yet registered in your name, you need to go to your nearest Customer Service Centre with the following documents...
Home - LogNow SmartCity
The City of Johannesburg relies on its residents to log service delivery failures so that it may have the opportunity to attend to them. If issues are not logged on the City’s service delivery systems...
Overview of Log Now - LogNow SmartCity
Overview of Log Now Estimated reading time: 1 min The City of Johannesburg relies on its residents to log service delivery failures so that it may have the opportunity to attend to them. If i...
Register - LogNow SmartCity
HOW TO REGISTER Register by clicking on the icon above By registering on lognow the solution, lognow will fill in forms to save you valuable time filling in the forms. After registering complete the r...