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Loss of the Night citizen science project: 2019
Nachtlicht-BüHNE. It is a co-designed citizen science project, funded under the CitizenScience@Helmholtz funding initiative. BüHNE stands for " Bürger-Helmholtz-Netzwerk für die Erforschung von nächt...
Loss of the Night citizen science project: Brief introduction to the Loss of the Night app project
The Loss of the Night app allows citizen scientists to estimate how many stars they can see, and by extension how bright the night sky is. T...
Loss of the Night citizen science project: October 2018
If you have to look up directly into a streetlight, you're not going to be able to seem much more than the streetlight... Contrast that contemporary view with van Gogh's impression of a night scene in...
Loss of the Night citizen science project: Greenhouses at night
Last week I posted some photos showing examples of trees that seemed to be affected by the light from nearby street lamps . There hasn't bee...
Loss of the Night citizen science project: Lighting so bad it could win a prize
Yesterday I joked on twitter that an image someone shared was so bad it should win a light pollution prize. Other twitterers responded with...
Loss of the Night citizen science project: Instructional video for the Loss of the Night app
Here is a video tutorial for using the Loss of the Night app. It was created by two students at Brandeis University, Anna Bulger and M...