Lost River Walks
Lost River Walks
Lost Rivers respectfully acknowledges that we are on the traditional territory of many First Nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabek, the Chippewa, the Haud...
The Moore Park Ravine Reach
The Moore Park Ravine Reach
This ravine passes through North Rosedale, Moore Park and Governors Bridge
communities characterized by their large, older homes. Sanitary sewage from
west of the ravine fl...
Brick Manufacture
Brick Manufacture
Brick making is an ancient trade. We read in the Bible of the problems the
Israelites had making mud bricks for Pharaoh. Mud bricks dried in the sun are
still being made in Egypt tod...
Spadina Avenue & Chinatown West
Spadina Avenue & Chinatown West
Spadina Avenue is a grand street, 160 feet wide (nearly fifty metres). William
Baldwin named it after his estate and house on the ridge at Davenport, about
two kilometr...
Palace Street School and Cherry Street Hotel
Palace Street School and Cherry Street Hotel
Over time these adjoining buildings were also known as the Irvine House,
Eastern Star Hotel, General Steel Ware warehouse, and the Canary Restaurant.
In th...
St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church
St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church
The Church seen here at Queen and Power Streets is not the first one. The
first one, competed in 1824, was red brick, and designed by John Ewart, who
later built St. A...