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Who we are | Love Green Nepal
Select Page Love Green Nepal (LGN) is an autonomous, non-governmental development organization (NGO) established in 1991. It is a legal entity registered (Regd. No. 249/048/49) with Kathman...
What we do | Love Green Nepal
Love Green Nepal (LGN) established with the slogan of ‘Let’s Green Our Earth’ in 1991 A.D. The main objective is to enhance greenery development and mitigate the environmental problems comprises defo...
Tree Plantation Program | Love Green Nepal
Love Green Nepal (LGN) established with the slogan of ‘Let’s Green Our Earth’ in 1991 A.D. The main objective is to enhance greenery development and mitigate the environmental problems comprises defo...
Recent News | Love Green Nepal
Select Page Inauguration of Training on Water Leakage Handling and Water Quality Managment Mr. Dhana Raj Acharya, Mayor of Pokhara Metropolitan City, and General Manager of Nepal...
Organization | Love Green Nepal
Objectives of the Organization i. Upliftment of low income families in rural communities through integrated development interventions with focus on utilization of locally available resources and over...
Vision Statement | Love Green Nepal
Vision: Mission: Goal: Objectives: Strategy: Recent News