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2016 ESC-20 Library Resource Roundup: Directory
Check out the schedule for 2016 ESC-20 Library Resource Roundup
2016 ESC-20 Library Resource Roundup: Full Schedule
The books in David Liss's Randoms series makes use of, and create original material from, his enjoyment of film, television, comics, and games. He'll show how he went from being a consumer of this mat...
2016 ESC-20 Library Resource Roundup: Full Schedule
Join us for a tour of PrepSTEP for High Schools; the interactive, online learning platform equipped with the resources students need to improve core academic skills, score higher on high-stakes tests,...
2016 ESC-20 Library Resource Roundup: Venues
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2016 ESC-20 Library Resource Roundup: Full Schedule
Join Erin Segreto MLS, Mackin Sales Consultant, and explore the industry’s leading eResource management system, MackinVIA. Bring your own mobile device or laptop for a hands-on experience using eBooks...