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luajit - LuaJIT binary
LuaJIT binary Build Flags Module Paths Windows !\..\..\?.lua;!\..\..\?\init.lua was added to the default package.path in luaconf.h. This allows luapower modules to be found regardless of what the cur...
path - 2D geometry in Lua
2D geometry in Lua in development Most sub-modules are ready, but they need more integration work. They can be used independently and they have their own demos and docs. local path = require'path' In...
utf8 - UTF-8 in Lua
local utf8 = require'utf8' Low-level module for working with UTF-8 encoded strings. Byte indices are i's, char indices are ci's, and "char" means unicode codepoint. Invalid characters are counted as 1...
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LuaJIT notes - assumptions, gotchas, tricks
assumptions, gotchas, tricks LuaJIT assumptions LuaJIT hoists table accesses with constant keys (so module functions) out of loops, so no point caching those in locals. LuaJIT hoists constant branche...