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HOME PAGE : Maaike Fransen
Maaike Fransen#menu { position: static; margin-top: 0; } INFO cv contact[2] PROJECTS stages of grief[3] MAAIKEA[4] wipkip[5] Pippin and the persuits of life[6] HOARDING (DIS)ORDER[7] PERIPATETIC-PARA...
bio (En) : Maaike Fransen
Copyright 2020 Maaike Fransen (1987) is a multidisciplinary artist who dreams with her hands. Her work takes place at the interface between fashion, design, performance and film. Using found materials...
How to Make a Living : Maaike Fransen
How to Make a Living How to Make a Living is a series of six short films in which Maaike Fransen expresses paradoxical feelings about the themes of ‘life as a man-made construct’, individualism and ...
Peripatetic Paraphernalia : Maaike Fransen
Graduation project #2*, Design Academy Eindhoven 2010 Peripatetic Paraphernalia is a collection of surrealistic inventions, products and proposals for nomadic ways of living. The real-working-objects ...
bio (Nl) : Maaike Fransen
Copyright 2020 Maaike Fransen (1987) is een multidisciplinair kunstenaar die droomt met haar handen. Haar werk speelt zich af op het grensvlak tussen mode, design, performance en film. Met gevonden ma...
I Used to Feed The Ducks : Maaike Fransen
graduation project #1, Design Academy Eindhoven 2010 I used to feed the ducks (until one bit me) and I used to lift up my dress to impress. Childhood anecdotes, memories and pictures where the start...