About - MAEC, Inc.
We turn equity from a value into an integrated and sustainable practice. Mission MAEC’s mission is to promote excellence and equity in education to achieve social justice. Vision MAEC envisions a day ...
Webinars - MAEC, Inc.
We invite you to join us in conversations, presentations, panel discussions, and Q&As. We will hear from students, teachers, administrators, parents, and community members as they share their...
MAEC's Equity Audit - MAEC, Inc.
Developed its Equity Audit to offer districts, schools, and teachers a way to develop a more concrete understanding of what it means to practice equity.
Reopening Schools During COVID-19 - MAEC, Inc.
Reopening Schools During COVID-19: Understanding Possible Models, Stakeholder Needs, and Best Practices to Advance Educational Equity Download PDF File Introduction How can states, school districts, s...
Job Opportunities - MAEC, Inc.
MAEC offers a collegial and stimulating work environment; challenging, innovative and meaningful projects; and the opportunity to work with professionals who are well-regarded in their fields of exper...
Equity and Learning During Covid-19 - MAEC, Inc.
At MAEC, we remain dedicated to ensuring that all students have access to high-quality and equitable education. Our team continues to work with educators, policymakers, community partners, and familie...