Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
Popular pages
MAG Integration Inc. - Traçabilité alimentaire – Innovation – intégration.
Développement de logiciels intégrant technologies de mobilités codes à barres dans l’industrie de la transformation agro-alimentaire et distribution.
MAG Integration Inc. - Food traceability – Innovation – integration.
Development of software integrating mobility technologies and barcodes in food processing industry and distribution.
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Better visibility of the operations Traceability management integrated to operations System capable of meeting the new customer’s requirements Control the transformation costs Better management of ra...
MAG Integration Inc. and Magic technology
Support for multiple interfaces « Responsive » With Magic’s development environment, MAG Integration can definitely ensure a drastic reduction in the complexity of your projects. By reusing ...
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Interface with e-commerce sites If you have an online sales site with Woocommerce, Shopify… we can offer you an interface that will allow you to link your website to your Mi trace traceability manage...
Mag Integration, mi-trace, traceability, food, processing, food distribution...
The Mag Integration Team supports your company through the analysis of your processes and the implementation of the solution and provides all the requested assistance to the users following the go liv...