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Temple At A Glance » Mahabgarh.Com
Take a look at the Famous Mahabgarh Temple in Kamedikhal in Dugadda block of district Pauri Garhwal . Mahabgarh Mahadev is one of the 52 Garhs in the Garhwal
About » Mahabgarh.Com
In wake of the recent happenings in the Kedarnath valley and other parts of the Uttarakhand where several people including kids, women, senior citizens lost
A Tribute To The Uttarakhand Flood Victims » Mahabgarh.Com
This has never happened in Uttarakhand before nor in our country. We pray to god that it should never happen to anyone nor should it happen anywhere again on
52 Garhs Of Garhwal » Mahabgarh.Com
Humble Request Kindly refrain yourself from taking photographs of the Shivalinga and the idol of Maa Durga.This practice has been followed in most of the temples in our country. In this way we can pay...
Contact Us » Mahabgarh.Com
Hello, If you have any information about Mahabgarh or would like to share your pictures and videos about Mahabgarh, Kindly feel free to contact me through the form below. Also, if there is a Famous te...