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Directorate Of AYUSH
समुपदेशनाद्वारे बदलीबाबदचे धोरण 2022 गट ब (अराजपत्रित) आणि गट क (Updated On 26/04/2022)
Directorate Of AYUSH
Government Ayurvedic, Unani Pharmacy & Drug Testing Laboratory Drugs Testing Laboratory was established at Govt. Ayurvedic and Unani Pharmacy, Nanded under the “Central Scheme for Strengthen...
Directorate Of AYUSH
गट-ड मधील कर्मचारी यांची दि. 01.01.2018 ची एकत्रित सामायिक अंतिम ज्येष्ठता सूची
Directorate Of AYUSH
Salod (Hirapur) 68 Navi Mumbai 69 Pune This information is updated on March 2017
Directorate Of AYUSH
About US The Government Of Maharashtra established the Directorate of Ayurveda in the year 1957. Before it erstwhile Surgeon General Mumbai had control on this department which was existing from 1954 ...
- Directorate Of AYUSH