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Maheronline | Maheronline – Connecting Maher Community Worldwide
પુંજો ખિસ્તરીયો લે. ભરતભાઇ બાપોદરા, મુ. બાપોદર (કથા સમય: ઇ.સ.૧૭૭૧ આસપાસ) # ૧ # બરડાનાં ત્રણ વાનાંને લોક કવિઓએ મન ભરીને ગાયા છે. બરડાનો ડુંગર, બરડાની નારી...
Maher Community - Maheronline
Maher Symbol – Horseman with sword and shield The Mer population of Kathiawar region in Saurashtra also known as the Maher, Mihir, Mair or Mehr are a community […]
Centres Homepage - Maheronline
Maher community have established several centres, mostly in India. The first centre was opened in Porbandar, India (1929) and the first centre outside India was opened in Leicester, UK in […]
Maher History - Maheronline
Maher Community has a long and diverse history, that generates a great interest every time the subject is mentioned. During our long history, there has been many battles and many […]
Maher Origin - Maheronline
Most likely path of migration The Maher people of Saurashtra, Gujarat, have generated considerable interest throughout the world. Various researchers and historians including British, Arabs, Americans...
News - Maheronline
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