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Make It From Scratch: Payday Candy Bar Cookie Bars
So awhile back a post popped up in my Google Reader about these candy bars that are a rarity even in the country of their origination - the...
Make It From Scratch: Scrappy Scarf!
Kellie is a mom, wife, tree-hugger and Martha wanna be. She blogs regularly at Greenhab and the Green Phone Booth . Call me obsessive (it's...
Make It From Scratch: Make a Market Tote
Kellie is a crafty momma who blogs regularly at Greenhab: The Browns Go Green and the Green Phone Booth . I am officially ready for the far...
Make It From Scratch: Make Your Own Ball and Cup Game
Old Fashioned games and toys never go out of style. The best toys are those that can stand the test of time and these ball and cup games ar...
Make It From Scratch: Carnival #151
Welcome to this week's edition of the Make it from Scratch carnival. cooking MomToCherubs presents What's For Breakfast ? posted at Simply...
Make It From Scratch: Guest Post - How to make a hot plate
Kimahn from Oh!! I like that!! shares a tutorial with us today on how to make your own hot plate. Kimahn's blog is full of pretty useful th...