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REGISTRATION & TECH INFO | manitobakarting
Code of Conduct (Separate form must be submitted per person - drivers, parents, and any other listed member) Edit Track Use Agreement for Full Members (all members who intend to practice on non-race w...
GETTING STARTED | manitobakarting
What do I need to get started? KART-Figure out what class is best suited for you or your child. Check out our Kart Classes page for a better idea. Most drivers start off with used karts but ensure tha...
KART CLASSES | manitobakarting
KID KART (ages 5 - 7 yrs old) These are the smallest karts available and use a simple-to-maintain 4 stroke engine. Kid karters can practice their skills with these karts until they are ready to go ra...
RACE RESULTS | manitobakarting
RACE RESULTS | manitobakarting ...
TEST DRIVE PROGRAM | manitobakarting
Test Drive Program - Ages 5 and up The Manitoba Karting Association has joined forces with KARTNOW to bring you an amazing, all around karting experience. Try a real full on race kart. Then, when...
CALENDAR OF EVENTS | manitobakarting
CALENDAR OF EVENTS | manitobakarting ...