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Man of the West: 2010
Confronting modernity from the depths of the human spirit, in communion with Christ the King.
Man of the West: September 2009
Man of the West Saturday, September 5, 2009 In a posthumously republished article at FIRST THINGS, the late Father Richard John Neuhaus laments the spiritual bankruptcy of academic Religious Studies....
Man of the West: 2009
Hi! I have seen you perform as Innocent Smith on EWTN, and I belong to my local Chesterton society (Denver). I've just started coming to your blog and perusing your quite extensive and informative wri...
Man of the West: Friends of John Reilly, you are welcome here.
This post will serve as a meeting place for online friends of John Reilly, especially those who have frequented his website, The Long View. ...
Man of the West: August 2009
Man of the West Thursday, August 20, 2009 At John Reilly’s site, the commenter HopefulCynic68 has an interesting post about the decline of standards in the magazine publishing industry. This thread p...
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