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Historic maps helpers
Sanborn Insurance Maps Sanborn Insurance maps were originally created to estimate fire insurance risks, so they provide lots of information about the types of construction of houses and the use of bui...
Land record helpers
5561 entries - Original surveys for patents since about 1724 Alphabetical list (with a few anomalies) Unfortunately, the Archives has made these indexes very difficult to use. Sometimes the link in th...
Geneology helpers
1925-1940 also available at 1925-1941 Family Search Files with all supporting documents, can be found at two locations at (free login required). This link is a combin...
Huntington Collection
Huntington Collection (TE1) These are contained in Series TE1 at the Archives. While that series provides a nice list of the contents, it provides no links to online copies. The "Link" that is provide...
Church records not online
Research helpers Baltimore City (and area) Church Records (not online) available only at Archives There are many church records in the Archives' "Special Collections" that are not available online alt...
Church record helper
Research helpers Baltimore City (and area) Church Records This index provides links to online church records at the Maryland Archives and the LDS Family Search site. Some notes and hints for accessing...