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Mariko Higaki Iwai - Product Designer
Mariko Higaki Iwai is a product designer based in Los Angeles. She thoughtfully crafts the experience for both tactile objects and digital interface.
Get to know Mariko Higaki Iwai
Hello! My name is Mariko Higaki Iwai, and I am a product designer.
Flo - Tool kit for adolescent girls living in poverty
Product design concept of a kit that allow girls to wash, dry and carry reusable sanitary pads.
Snap & Roll - Push pull toy for toddler and pre-schooler.
A toy system that children can enjoy play during several phases of learning growth.
Digital Sketch - Series of quick illustrations & designs
Quick series of illustrations and logo designs using Illustrator and Photoshop.
Meiri - Product/interface that improve health & wellness
Product & app concept that supports your everyday health through Eastern Medicine.