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Home | The Marisa Fund | Raising money for research, treatment and care of pediatric cancer patients
The Marisa Fund raises money for research, treatment and care of pediatric cancer patients. David Goldwasser established the Marisa Fund following the sad and untimely death of his daughter, Marisa.
About Us | The Marisa Fund
Percentage of funds to families Marisa’s Story “We ran together and we read together. My daughter, Marisa, loved fantasy books and when she got older, Marisa told me that we would write a book togethe...
Donation | The Marisa Fund
Contact Us Have a question? Give us a call or fill out the contact form. We’d love to hear from you 3309 Leeward Drive, Haverstraw, NY 10927 914-522-3890
Research Archives | The Marisa Fund
An update from Dr. Mitchell Cairo on his research and treatments, emailed to David on December 16, 2017: The Marisa Fund has been responsible for supporting a new clinical research trial in the adoles...
News Archives | The Marisa Fund
With 3,363 registered entrants and more than 2,900 participants, the 5 mile road race again made Rockland Lake the center of the region’s running universe on Thanksgiving Day. Amazingly, the race gene...
- Our Sponsors | The Marisa Fund