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Martial Views: December 2022
Martial Views Friday, December 30, 2022 There was a movie a few years back called The Art of Self Defense. Despite the unassuming title, the film explores the pitfalls of encou...
Martial Views: Choose Your Weapons
kobudo). After all, karate - the empty hand way - forgoes the need for anything besides relying on the human body as a means for self defense. Kobudo is a bona fide fighting system unto itself, so wh...
Martial Views: Magic
Martial Views Friday, October 08, 2021 Magic Lately, on martial arts threads I see online, it seems that traditional martial arts (TMA) have fallen out of favor. Appa...
Martial Views: Vertical vs. Horizontal Punches
Martial Views Sunday, November 21, 2010 In Isshinryu karate the vertical punch is considered a staple but it's hardly unique to the system. Supposedly at one time the standing fis...
Martial Views: How To Register Your Hands As Deadly Weapons
Martial Views Monday, April 01, 2013 Yesterday I received an email from a novice practitioner. I've included my reply. Mr. Vesia, I've been following your blog and I have a questio...
Martial Views: October 2014
Let me state that this is not a tutorial on how to develop manos de piedra - "hands of stone" - which is the famous moniker of prizefighter Roberto Duran. My use of a provocative title may be mislead...