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Prayer Times | Masjid Tawhid Leyton
80 HIGH ROAD, LEYTON, LONDON E15 2BP 020 8519 6655
About | Masjid Tawhid Leyton
Masjid Tawhid Leyton is a mosque based in East London catering for the local community.
Services | Masjid Tawhid Leyton
80 HIGH ROAD, LEYTON, LONDON E15 2BP 020 8519 6655 SERVICES The Masjid offers a wide range of services for the local community and beyond. The key services are listed below. If you require any furt...
News | Masjid Tawhid Leyton
80 HIGH ROAD, LEYTON, LONDON E15 2BP 020 8519 6655 367 views Feb 17, 2021 806 views Jan 30, 2021
About Islam | Masjid Tawhid Leyton
80 HIGH ROAD, LEYTON, LONDON E15 2BP 020 8519 6655 The word "Islaam" is an Arabic word that means "submitting and surrendering your will to Almighty God". The word comes from the same root as the Ara...
History | Masjid Tawhid Leyton
The history of the Masjid goes back to 1984. A small building was purchased at 34 Francis Road, by the Grace of Allah, through a generous donation from the noble Shaykh Abdul-Aziz bin Baz (Head of P...