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Test Pack | LiveSafe-LoveSafe-MateSafe
HIV-1/2 Antigen and Antibodies, Fourth Generation, with Reflexes This is a test that can detect HIV as soon as read more… $38 Mate SAFE is a HIPAA compliant organization devoted to providing service...
FAQ’S | LiveSafe-LoveSafe-MateSafe
FAQ’S Ask a Question Does MateSafe guarantee safe physical relations? Absolutely not. MateSafe is not an excuse for irresponsible behavior. Safety measures should always be in place. To this day, a pr...
Matesafe News | LiveSafe-LoveSafe-MateSafe
KHOU 11 recently produced a feature news story about MateSafe and the work we do. We appreciate the work they are doing to help educate the public and spotlight our efforts to improve the health secur...
About Us | LiveSafe-LoveSafe-MateSafe
About Us About Us: MateSafe is a health outreach organization with a mission to help educate, protect and inform the public about the importance of safe sex practices and a responsible way of conducti...