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Matthew BAPP Blog
Module One: Task One Work Part of Module one's first set of tasks is very much based around different social media's. I believe this is...
Matthew BAPP Blog
Perfectionism in Academia and in Performing I am a perfectionist. Often this is seen as a good thing, as it means the quality of work I pr...
Matthew BAPP Blog
Impulse and Reflection Wednesday 11th October 2017 On Monday 9th October we had a Skype session for module one, I have previously writ...
Induction Session
Hi everybody so blog starts today!! I had my induction, a bit late, on Monday with Adesola and it was interesting speaking to her about t...
Matthew BAPP Blog
Module One Skype Session Monday 9th October 2017 On Monday I joined in the 12:30pm skype session with Adesola, Arghierenia, Kerry and Ni...
Matthew BAPP Blog
20 year old | Musical theatre performer studying Professional Practice in Arts at the University of Middlesex University | Originally from Wigan, Manchester | Now Based in London | Actor | Singer | Da...