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Matt Stewart – matt stewart (dot org)
Mapping in search and rescue is both a key part of a successful mission and a mess. Truly, it’s an absolute mess. Ideally, everyone would be looking at the same map. The map would be complete — all ar...
- SAR GIS – matt stewart (dot org)
Wildland Fire GISS – matt stewart (dot org)
I spent some time during a fire toward the end of the Pacific Northwest season working on a draft template to replace the standard one used for printed map products on wildland fires. There is certain...
Recent Posts – matt stewart (dot org)
Mapping in search and rescue is both a key part of a successful mission and a mess. Truly, it’s an absolute mess. Ideally, everyone would be looking at the same map. The map would be complete — all ar...
Firefighting – matt stewart (dot org)
For the final project for a class, I took a look at how to delineate the area of a fire district that can reasonably be serviced by existing fire hydrants. The topic came up because firefighters are i...
Spread thin, will GIS specialization diminish? – matt stewart (dot org)
Spread thin, will GIS specialization diminish? The “GIS Technician” job is not long for this world, though I had a difficult time finding published thoughts to support this theory. Given the prolifera...