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Grade A Milk, Fresh Cheeses, Maple Syrup, Grass-Fed Beef, and Registered Dairy Cows (Pioneer Valley
Please come visit our virtual farm.
buy maple syrup and maple cream online at Mayval Farm
store home Welcome to our online maple syrup and maple cream store! We produce all maple products at the sugar house on our family dairy farm. We have a selection of sizes and grades in both recyclabl...
Mayval Farm Registered Holstein Cows
The Dairy Farm We milk about 100 registered Holstein, Jersey, and Brown Swiss dairy cows twice a day, 365 days a year. 99% of our cows are born and raised on the farm. Henry chooses all the bulls for...
Pure Massachusetts Maple Syrup, Maple Cream, Maple Sugar at Mayval Farm
Maple Syrup & Maple Cream Maple syrup and maple cream (also known as “maple butter” or “maple spread”) made the old-fashioned way for the very best maple flavor. “Sugaring” has been a springtime ritu...
pure maple cream at Mayval Farm (maple butter, maple spread)
maple cream 100% pure Massachusetts maple cream produced from our maple syrup. Cook the syrup another 15 degrees or so, cool it fast, stir patiently until it just loses its shine, pour like mad befo...
pure Massachusetts maple syrup in jugs at Mayval Farm
syrup in jugs 100% pure Massachusetts maple syrup evaporated at our sugar house from sap gathered from the maple trees on the farm. We use only traditional methods, including a wood-fired boiler, for ...