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Papers - McCarroll Lab
2024 BCFtools/liftover: an accurate and comprehensive tool to convert genetic variants across genome assemblies Giulio Genovese, Nicole B. Rockweiler, Bryan R. Gorman, Tim B. Bigdeli, Michelle T. Pato...
Drop-seq - McCarroll Lab
Welcome to Drop-seq! Drop-seq is a technology we developed to enable biologists to analyze RNA expression genome-wide in thousands of individual cells at once. We first described this in a 2015 ...
Research - McCarroll Lab
How do human genomes vary? How do individual cells vary? How does variation affect human biology?
People - McCarroll Lab
Steve McCarroll Dorothy and Milton Flier Professor of Biomedical Science and Genetics Department of Genetics, Blavatnik Institute, Harvard Medical School Director of Genomic Neurobiology Stanley Cente...
Other Resources - McCarroll Lab
MOsaic CHromosomal Alterations (MoChA) Caller A computational tool to detect both germline and mosaic chromosomal alterations at low allelic fractions based on phased haplotype data. Mosaic chromsomal...
McCarroll Lab - Page 2 of 2 - Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School