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Programs Overview — MCN
Our programs address the need for leadership, collaboration, and citizenship in future global leaders. We help student leaders grow and connect through our three main programs. The main goals of the p...
Impact — MCN
Since MCN's inception in a university dorm room about a decade ago, over 10,000 undergraduates from 450 universities worldwide have participated in one or more MCN programs. MCN alumni have gone on...
Our People — MCN
Valerie Bockstette Directors Emeriti “ In order to meet development challenges around the world, as well as right here in our own backyards in the US, we need the engagement and dedication of the next...
Our Mission & Vision — MCN
MISSION AND VISION "Sometimes, it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom." - Nelson Mandela About Us The Millennium Campus Network (MCN) is ...
MCN Stories — MCN
MCN Stories The MCN alumni network is composed of thoughtful, young leaders from across the globe. They represent a diverse range of experiences and careers in social impact; these are their stories. ...
Alumni Benefits — MCN
MCN Alumni Community We are proud to officially launch the MCN Alumni Community. Welcome to each of you, now 9,000+ strong. This community will allow active MCN Alumni to give back to our global ne...