Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
Popular pages
Forside - MedCom
Vi er bindeleddet i det danske sundhedsvæsen, da vi it-understøtter sammenhængende patientforløb og faciliterer samarbejde i sundhedssektoren.
MedCom in English - MedCom
The ambition of MedCom is to provide the Danish healthcare sector with the best possible conditions for offering treatment and care for patients.
International activities - MedCom
International activities Indhold Standardisation Especially when it comes to standards, HL7® FHIR® has both the international community’s attention as well as MedCom’s. In the coming years, MedCom is ...
Health Data Network - MedCom
SDN is a secured network for data communications in the Danish healthcare sector (public and private sections). SDN links secure local networks together in a shared infrastructure. SDN is among other ...
Lægepraksis i Danmark - MedCom
Her kan du downloade den nyeste liste over alle almen- og speciallæger med ydernummer i Danmark med angivelse af EDI-lokationsnummer og hvilket lægesystem den enkelte praksis har.
Om os - MedCom
MedCom er bindeleddet i det samarbejdende sundhedsvæsen, idet vi udvikler og udbreder tværsektorielle digitale kommunikationsløsninger.