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Mesa Verde Press
Available on my Etsy shop, ArtfulWordz, are a variety of my photographs and large-format posters of my photos and poetry. New material is added often. Click below to have a look.
Mesa Verde Press
John Sherman has been a professional writer and photographer for several decades. He writes and publishes poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and humor. He is the author of nine books. He has publis...
Mesa Verde Press
War Stories: A Memoir of Nigeria and Biafra and Marjorie Main: Rural Documentary Poetry are available at my Etsy shop, ArtfulWordz. Click below to have a look. Soon, through this site, you will be ...
Mesa Verde Press
“Nigeria on My Mind. Again.” was an exhibition at the Harrison Center, Indianapolis, in February 2018, of more than 90 images illustrating John Sherman’s decades-long relationship with Nigeria. It was...
Mesa Verde Press
Promoting the artistic works of John Sherman John Sherman’s creative writing and photography reflect his intent not only to entertain and educate, but to provoke others to think and to act. While he d...