Metalwerks PMD, Inc. is a high-technology vacuum melter and processor of specialty metals and supplies standard mill products such as sheet, strip, plate, bar, billet, coil, and wire.
Products - Metalwerks
Metalwerks makes many different alloys in many different forms. Our sales teams evaluate each unique product requirement to ensure the most efficient melting and processing path is selected.
R&D Melting - Metalwerks
The R&D Vacuum Induction Melter (VIM) melts iron, nickel, cobalt, and copper alloys in quantities of 5 to 20 pounds. The R&D Vacuum Arc Remelt (VAR) melts all alloy bases and can cast ingots ranging i...
Vacuum Arc Remelting (VAR) - Metalwerks
Metalwerks' Vacuum Arc Remelt (VAR) furnaces have an extensive range of capabilities. The crucible sizes range from 2.5” diameter and up to 20” diameter.
About - Metalwerks
Metalwerks, Inc. has over twenty years of experience melting and processing vacuum melted specialty metals. We operate five vacuum melting furnaces and bar processing equipment at our facilities in Al...
Alloy Development - Metalwerks
Metalwerks has equipment to research and develop new alloys. Whether it is small quantities (50-300 grams) of completely new alloy system in our button melter, 5-20 pound heats of iron, nickel, or cob...