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Mezipatra Queer Film Festival - Home
Queer filmový festival Mezipatra uvádí filmy s nehetero- tématikou.
- Mezipatra Queer Film Festival - Home
Mezipatra Queer Film Festival - Film catalogue
Mezipatra 2023 / Film catalogue
Mezipatra Queer Film Festival - Festival
What is Mezipatra? Around a hundred top-ranking films on lesbian, bisexual, transsexual and queer themes+ an international competition+ exhibitions, lectures, workshops, discussions and parties+ 95 00...
Mezipatra Queer Film Festival - Schedule
Mezipatra 2021 / Schedule
Mezipatra Queer Film Festival - About us
About us Mezipatra We are a queer film festival organized by non-profit organizations Mezipatra and STUD Brno. Every year, we introduce around a hundred Czech and foreign films centred around LGBTQ+ i...