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People at MGPB Sam co-founded the firm in 1979. He grew up in Randleman, North Carolina and graduated from North Carolina State University School of Design with a Bachelor of Architecture degree. H...
About MGPB
About MGPB Meyer Greeson Paullin Benson is inspired by the experiences and passions of our clients. With our holistic vision of design we strive to create a synthesis of classic style, regional charac...
The High Hampton Club | MGPB Architecture
High Hampton Inn Breathing new life into High Hampton Inn after 100 years of welcoming guests was like taking a puzzle apart and carefully putting it back together. Work was done in collaboration with...
Marsh View Cottage | MGPB Architecture
With views of the ocean and the marsh, this family retreat is filled with light and a myriad of colors. Ocean blues and marsh greens are ever-present, and the long vistas from each room draw your eye ...
Millstone Cottage | MGPB Architecture
This project was full of charm and quirks, which often comes when a client purchases a historic property with plans of preserving as many original features as possible. Careful considerations were mad...
Mid-Century Residence | MGPB Architecture
This modern home in the Foxcroft neighborhood required an extensive renovation and addition. With two small children at home, Matt added much needed family space and guest quarters. He created a new ...