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Michael Gaunt - Leading varicose vein consultant & vascular surgeon
Countryside estate in the highlands of Scotland in rugged woodland, perfect hunting environment, lochs and rivers provide superb fishing too.
Welcome - Michael Gaunt
Leading varicose vein consultant & vascular surgeon Book Consultation Now ★ Award-winning patient satisfaction Experience bespoke tailored treatment plans and aftercare "I'm proud to offer a wea...
Testimonials - Michael Gaunt
Testimonials caret-right Kellie sent these photos to us in October 2022, having had Endovenous Laser Ablation Therapy in June 2022. This was her message to our office: "So, I would like to let you kn...
Professional Profile - Michael Gaunt
Experience bespoke tailored treatment plans and aftercare “I’m proud to offer a wealth of expertise and the very latest technology with excellent patient care and individually tailored treatments” I s...
Treatments - Michael Gaunt
Michael Gaunt provides consultations, with a diagnostic Duplex ultrasound scan, at any one of his private clinics offering the highest clinical standards combined with a friendly and relaxed environm...
Information - Michael Gaunt
One in four of the population suffer with varicose veins. Leading consultant vascular surgeon Michael Gaunt discusses how they can affect your long-term health and wellbeing. We all want to look good ...