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Mens Et Opera - Reloaded: PDM, PLM, and PIM—a few considerations
From a customer perspective, PLM is more a strategy than a single product (in fact, be aware of vendors who claim to have "a complete PLM solution"). On the other hand, PDM is a product (and yes, it's...
Mens Et Opera - Reloaded: MDM and PIM demystified: round 2. The Forrester's take on it.
This is a second round of a series of posts regarding the difference between PIM and MDM. Forrester's report points out that “PIM is not always a well understood master data solution option”
Mens Et Opera - Reloaded: The Long-Tail strategy and PIM
The Long-Tail and PIM
Mens Et Opera - Reloaded: The Arpaia 101 on PIM
PIM is a business capability to ensure that organizations collaboratively author, enrich, and distribute accurate, consistent, and validated product information across all the distribution points.
Mens Et Opera - Reloaded: Interlude - the interplay of data and content
Interplay of data and content
Mens Et Opera - Reloaded: Heavy Meta. The role of PIM in turning data into information.
Unless you have a process and a technology that allows your team to turn raw product data from suppliers into branded, proprietary descriptions, images, and video, you will have little chance to win t...