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Where Reality is a Nightmare: Lonesome Twosome (or "You're Diplomatic, I'm Not")
It was in the first Term here that we were made to write an essay on "Who am I?" My very first sentiment when I heard the topic was one of a...
Where Reality is a Nightmare: And What Is Your Point?
Sitting today as I do, I find myself in a strange place within and without my surroundings. There is a palpable air of calm and yet I find m...
Where Reality is a Nightmare: Dreams Undreamt and Final Words
Born to a world blind in belief, Born with a wish that I could see, Tamed by the times, a civilization breathes, While I yearn for the air o...
Where Reality is a Nightmare: 2004
You think you know me...
Where Reality is a Nightmare: A Man's Journey Through HelL - III
Read a comment by Leon on the previous one. No, this is not a serious commentary on the profs. This is just a humourous, extremely twisted ...
Where Reality is a Nightmare: Whose Tag is it Anyway?
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