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Minden Outers Club
male, bonding, winter, weekend, pneuman, Bowmanville, BHS, projects, curling stones, rink
Make Your Own Rink With Boards
This page provides do-it-yourself instructions for making your own backyard, or front yard, rink.
MOC: Make Your Own Soccer Goal
This page provides do-it-yourself instructions for making your junior sized soccer goal.
Make Your Own Curling Stones
Minden Outer's Club: Make Your Own Curling Stones NEW Overview This page provides do-it-yourself instructions for making your own curling stones for affordable backyard rink, frozen lake or frozen...
Make Your Own Hockey Electronic Shooter Tutor
This page provides do-it-yourself instructions for making your own electronic hockey shooter tutor.
MOC Things - Game
This is a group game for 4 or more. One player press Setup to play and set up the round. Once that player is done setting up to play, everyone else press the play button. Play and Setup to play are ...