| Mindgame | Moving Minds
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Who are we?
—– Client, PWC
Since 2004 Mindgame specializes in ...
Are You Secure goes international! |
Teach your employees about cyber security while measuring awareness levels
Are You Secure, a serious game we developed in collaboration with Fox-IT (NCC Group), goes international!...
Profile Dynamics |
Profile Dynamics app
The motivation test provides an extensive profile, which gives people insight into what suits them, what they enjoy and what does not. In order to easily compare profiles within a...
bayer play2win |
The live game
In order to work more efficiently (taking these limitations into account), the CFFs learn an evolutionary way of working through a serious game: the multichannel marketing approach. By m...
Matcher |
The employee is front and centre
Mindgame has developed Matcher, an online platform that puts employees first and ensures a fairer and more efficient labor market for everyone. Matcher was founded for...
Knowledge transfer |
Due to corona, many people work from home and managers face various challenges. An example of such a challenge is the mutual transfer of knowledge among employees. Sharing knowledge contributes to t...