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---- Opinions expressed in the Mineralogical Record magazine, website, supplements, books, social media, [click here to read more] [1]------- ----- Contents Copyright © 2024 The Mineralogical Record...
The Mineralogical Record - Label Archive
The highly respected, award-winning Mineralogical Record magazine is the premier journal for serious mineral collectors, specimen-oriented mineralogists and mineral museum curators worldwide. It fe...
The Mineralogical Record - Stolen Specimen Alert
The Stolen Specimen Alert page posts photos and information regarding stolen mineral specimens. This service is open to anyone, including mineral dealers, museum curators and private collectors, who...
The Mineralogical Record - Bookstore
Bookstore $30.00 $15.00 $30.00 $30.00
The Mineralogical Record - Label Archive
Richard A. Bideaux and Ronald E. Bentley Tucson, Arizona - 1981 Throughout the last 200 or so years of mineral collecting, most collectors, dealers and museum curators have attempted to attract...
The Mineralogical Record - About The Mineralogical Record
About the Mineralogical Record Congratulations! In arriving at the Mineralogical Record website you have made a connection with people who love minerals as much as you do, whether you are a...