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About – MissionNannys
DOCTRINAL STATEMENT* We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and H...
Be A Nanny – MissionNannys
General Information MissionNannys is an all-volunteer organization working to connect Christians willing to volunteer their services to assist Christian Missionary Families for their children’s educat...
Guidelines – MissionNannys
Galations 5:22 JOY – a Mission Nanny is cheerful and adventuresome. PEACE – she is a good communicator, submits to authority (i.e. defers to the family’s wishes and ways), and is a team player. PATIE...
Nanny Application Form – MissionNannys
* Your Complete Postal Mailing Address: Street Address, Apartment Number (or P.O. Box Number), City, State, Postal Code, and Country: * Your Date of Birth (Month, Year) * Gender Female When wi...
Request A Nanny – MissionNannys
Please read this important information, then go to the Application Form We know you want to devote more time to the ministry to which you are called. We will send you contact information with individu...
Asia – MissionNannys
May 31, 2020 We live in a modern apartment in a quiet and very safe city of a country where sharing the Gospel is not permitted. So we have all the conveniences of modern living, similar to Ame...