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Home - Measurement & Verification Portal
According to Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO), "M&V is the process of using measurement to reliably determine actual savings created within an individual facility by an energy management, energ...
Interactive Tools - Measurement & Verification Portal
Measurement & Verification Portal Interactive Tools These interactive tools are created to help aid the M&V process. The M&V Option Selector helps to identify a given M&V option (Option A, B, C or D...
Training - Measurement & Verification Portal
Measurement & Verification Portal Training Several organizations offer training classes on measurement and verification of energy savings for performance contracting. Some of the most common courses...
M&V Option Selector - Measurement & Verification Portal
Measurement & Verification Portal M&V Option Selector The M&V protocol mandated for projects conducted under the ESPC is the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) M&V Guidelines: Measurement and ...
Other Guidelines - Measurement & Verification Portal
Measurement & Verification Portal Measurement of Energy and Demand Savings, was developed by ASHRAE to provide guidance on the acceptable level of M&V of energy and demand savings for commercial trans...
Operations & Maintenance - Measurement & Verification Portal
Measurement & Verification Portal Operations & Maintenance In federal Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs), operations and maintenance (O&M) is critical to maintaining the performance of the...