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MoDCS Research Group -
This text intends to be a comprehensive and substantially self-contained two-volume book covering performance, reliability, and availability evaluation subjects. The volumes focus on computing systems...
MoDCS Research Group - ALUPAS
ALUPAS This page describes the ALUPAS, a software developed by MODCS (Modelling of Distributed and Concurrent Systems) team [3], and a methodology adopted in order to estimate the energy consumption a...
MoDCS Research Group - Performability and Dependability Evaluation
Performability and Dependability Evaluation To stay in business, organizations must develop and maintain a compelling value proposition, whether you are a high-volume or a low-volume provider of produ...
MoDCS Research Group - 2016 March Archive
The MoDCS Workshop is an internal event that occurs every six months with the aim of spreading knowledge among their participants. Each student must present the current state of his research. Event sc...
MoDCS Research Group - Courses
Courses Performance Evaluation (Avaliação de Desempenho de Sistemas)[1] Communicating System Modeling (Modelagem de Sistemas Comunicantes)[2] Critical System Evaluation (Avaliação ...
MoDCS Research Group - MERCURY
(paper) Mercury: An Integrated Environment for Performance and Dependability Evaluation (click here) Research papers that adopted Mercury as evaluation engine: OpenMADS: An Open Source Tool for Modeli...