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Publications | MOLA
Browse hundreds of our archaeological publications available to buy, ranging from academic monographs to popular books.
Careers | MOLA
We employ over 300 archaeology and heritage professionals with offices across the UK.
Archaeological Excavation | MOLA
We develop practical fieldwork strategies that ensure the best outcome in terms of safety, budget and programme.
Commercial | MOLA
18.04.2016 Angela Brady OBE, Director at Brady Mallalieu Architects and former President of RIBA, talks to us about her love for the historic environment and the benefits to integrating it ...
Osteoarchaeology | MOLA
Our hugely experienced osteoarchaeology team excavates, records, analyses and reports on human remains.
Heritage Consultancy | MOLA
We offer the full range of heritage consultancy services, helping our clients to assess and manage their sites, from site acquisition and early negotiation to planning consent.