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Biography – Monica Porter
Biography Hungarian-born Monica Porter grew up mainly in New York before moving to London in her teens. Her father was the Hungarian journalist and writer Peter Halasz, and her mot...
Books – Monica Porter
Children Against Hitler
The Lost and Found Club – Monica Porter
For the past two decades the Daily Mail’s weekly Missing and Found column has been reuniting long lost friends, colleagues and family members. Unique in the world of print media, it has often succee...
Long Lost – Monica Porter
The Story of the Newspaper Column That Started the Reunion Industry Monica Porter’s weekly Missing and Found column has been running in the Daily Mail since June 1999, featuring the tales of people wh...
Britishness – Monica Porter
Don’t ever lose your Britishness After the row over teaching British culture in schools, a Hungarian-born writer argues that our children must never be allowed to forget the values that still make u...
Teenagers who took on the Nazis – Monica Porter
Before writing my book about youngsters involved in anti-Nazi resistance during the Second World War, I had a certain notion about the Holocaust. It was that, in order to save Jewish lives, you had ...