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The "Phoenix Method"
I offer healing utilizing “ The Phoenix Method ". “ The Phoenix Method ” is the integration of effective techniques to facilitate positive change, balance, overall vitality and harmony....
The Mind,Body & Spirit Connection
Its importance has been taken for granted in the past. But now with the resurgence of natural, Holistic Traditional healing methods, people are becoming more aware of their health in every aspect. It....
INSIGHT w/ Moonshadow & Social Media Links
INSIGHT with Moonshadow: Let's Embrace Diversity and Be The Change (Ep.22)
Book A Session / Contact Phoenix Rising
Private sessions. Phone/Online/Skype Consultations. Soul Empowerment Workshops and Seminars/Guest Appearances. Available by appointment. Call for Details
Moonshadow, “First and foremost, I must start by simply saying, “Thank you”. Where I was spiritually when we first met, and where I am going, with your assistance, are two worlds apart....
TaijiFit A Revolution in Mind Body Fitness :)
TaijiFit™: is a mind/body workout that combines the best of traditional Taiji (Tai Chi) with modern Western fitness. It’s a workout for any age or fitness level, and you will experience...