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Administration - Moore Township
Moore Township is a large, rural community containing 38 square miles in north-central Northampton County, Pennsylvania.
History - Moore Township
History Bob Fedeo A short history of the formation of Moore Township In 1765, a large swath of land north of Bethlehem, between Easton and Northampton (what is now Allentown), and nestled agains...
General Information - Moore Township
General Information Zoning & Building Officer Hours Public Works Department 2023 Closed Holidays Presidents' Day: February 20 Thanksgiving: November 23 Christmas Day: December 25
Contact Us - Moore Township
Contact Us
Recreation Center - Moore Township
Recreation Center Recreation Center The Moore Township Recreation Center is located between Monocacy Drive (590 Monocacy Drive, Bath, PA 18014) and English Road (635 English Road, Bath, PA 18014). T...
Forms & Documents - Moore Township
Forms & Documents Planning and Zoning Applications